PLP Properties LLC

Resident Portal
Experiencing Trouble?
Please fill in this form. We will contact you.
Tenant Information and updates:
Protect your family from lead: (Click on link)
In most cases, the tenant is responsible for trash payments - yearly or quarterly. Have you paid?
Office hours , Mon -Wed -Fri 12.30PM-3.30PM. Visit our homepage for holiday hours.
Per your lease, rent can be paid at the bank. Please review your lease for bank information.
Main Phone: 859-663-2620. We do "NOT" receive txts at this number. If you call, please leave a message explaining your issue. For best response, we suggest sending an email to or txting to the number below.
Txt (ONLY): 513-549-2620 (voice messages are not accepted or heard)
Paying with a credit card is an option (3.5% "minimum fee" of total charge will apply).
Zelle is an option to pay rent. You will need a bank account. Zelle is generally in your bank phone app or within their online web banking. While within Zelle, transfer to